Continuing the success of 2012 to 2019 Community and Technological (CommTECH) Camp, ITS International Office of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is introducing the upcoming short program: CommTECH Camp… read more →
At the beginning of this week the ASEA-UNINET Students Week 2019 at the Universitas Indonesia (Depok, Indonesia) has started. 21 bachelor, master and PhD-students from seven countries are participating in… read more →
On July 3rd 2019 a delegation of the Indonesian Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia, and the Indonesian national electricity company (PLN) visited Technical University of… read more →
The Austrian Indonesian Society is pleased to invite you to the talk with discussion afterwards on the issue of “Wayang Beber – Cultural Heritage of Indonesia – Conservation Concept“, as… read more →
EURAXESS ASEAN is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2019 Malaysia edition of its annual outreach platform “European Research Day: Europe – Open to the world”. The event… read more →
The ASEA-UNINET STUDENTS WEEK is an academic mobility program, designed to facilitate graduate students from ASEA-UNINET university members to participate in a short program with a duration of two weeks… read more →
From September 10th to 15th 2019 the ASEA-UNINET Joint Program for Inbound Staff Mobility will be held in Surabaya and Bali, Indonesia, co-organized by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS),… read more →
On behalf of Mahasarakham University, Thailand, we would like to take this opportunity to officially extend an invitation to students to join our MSU Global Citizenship Camp 2019 at our campus which will be held… read more →
Universitas Hasanuddin is presenting the UNHAS International Cultural Program 2019, which will take place from 12th to 20th August 2019 in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, focusing on Maritime Culture in Indonesia.… read more →
The Programme for Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation/german: Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit/WTZ) is carried out in the frame of the bilateral “MoU between the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research… read more →