ASEA-UNINET International Community Outreach, co-hosted by Diponegoro University and Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.

Diponegoro University is pleased to inform you that we are co-hosting an event of „ASEA-UNINET International Community Outreach“ with Universitas Airlangga (Unair), Surabaya, Indonesia.

It is scheduled on 24th August until 4th September 2020 virtually/online system.

The first week will be hosted by Unair and the second week will be hosted by Universitas Diponegoro (Undip).

The event will have various activities which encourage students to be active and increase their engagement with the community. It is expected that we will welcome participants from over 90 national and international universities.

Please see here and download the brief program information for your reference and further information. This program was composed before a pandemic issue:


Shall you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Kartika Widya Utama, International Office Universitas Diponegoro via