Visit of the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) is the oldest and largest university in Cambodia and a valued ASEA-UNINET member since 2017. Professors Haltrich, Hauzenberger and Peterbauer from BOKU and University of Graz initiated a diverse discussion about potential collaboration within ASEA-UNINET. The meeting started with a gratifying welcome by Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Oum Ravy. After presenting the ASEA-UNINET Project Funding scheme, the delegation identified several potentially attractive avenues for joint projects within ASEA-UNINET, including geographic-geological topics, biotechnology, biosensors and environmental sciences. The meeting was concluded by a tour of the excellently equipped laboratory facilities at RUPP. ASEA-UNINET is looking forward to establishing several innovative projects, potentially of great benefit to the wider society, in both Cambodia and Austria.

ASEA-UNINET Delegation: Prof. Dietmar Haltrich (BOKU), Prof. Christoph Hauzenberger (University of Graz), Prof. Clemens Peterbauer (BOKU)
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