Advanced Computational Geotechnics

Project Description

Implementation Period:

10. – 13.12.2024


This course has been a continuation of various courses held in the past in Denpasar and Bandung within the long-term cooperation between Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The content of the course is based on the course „Computational Geotechnics“ which is held at the TU Graz within the curriculum for civil engineering in the master programme “Geotechnical and Hydraulical Engineering”. In recent years, numerical methods have gained great importance in Indonesia, because a number of very large infrastructure project are under construction or will be built within the next decades. Many of them involve deep excavations in an urban environment (e.g., Jakarta) and embankments for roads and railways in coastal regions where soft soils prevail. In all these cases, numerical methods are applied to predict the behaviour of these geotechnical structures. The course reflected these needs and besides hands-on training on using a particular code (supervised mainly by Prof. Tschuchnigg), a series of background lectures (given by Prof. Schweiger, Prof. Tschuchnigg, Prof. Pestana and Dr. Cheang) have been given. As in previous years, the course was well-attended (~40 participants) presenting a mix of students in their final years and practical engineers. It has to be mentioned that this year some lectures have been given also by our colleagues from Indonesia. In 2023 (similar to 2019 and 2022), one day was devoted to dynamic and earthquake analysis, a very important topic in Indonesia, and these lectures have been given by Prof. Juan Pestana from the University of Berkeley, California. Two invited presentations by the outgoing and incoming President of the Indonesian Geotechnical Society have been delivered as special lectures.

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Project Team:

Prof. Dr. techn. Franz Tschuchnigg

Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)

Course Leader and ASEA-UNINET Project Lead


Prof. Dr. techn. Helmut Schweiger

Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)

Lecturer (and Former Course Leader)


Prof. Dr. Ir. Irsyam Masyhur

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)



Dr. techn. Indra Hamdhan

Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas)


Project Details

  • Date Januar 11, 2024
  • Tags Earth Science, Geoinformatics, Teaching/Learning Cooperation, Visiting Lecture
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