Exceptional turn-out for the EURAXESS ASEAN Workshop in Bangkok
The EURAXESS* ASEAN events series ‚Advancing your research career in Europe – Funding & Fellowship opportunities‘ 2018 took place in Singapore, Republic of Singapore on May 21, followed by Bangkok, Thailand on May 24, 2018. The event in Bangkok was co-organised by EURAXESS ASEAN NSTDA and the ASEA-UNINET member Mahidol University, where the event took place.
Besides France, Germany, Spain and the UK Austria was also represented. Mrs. Mag. Maria Unger from EURAXESS Austria (Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research, OeAD-GmbH) presented funding and fellowship opportunities that are available to researchers in Thailand for a stay in Austria. More than 170 researchers and research administrators took part – a fantastic turn-out.
Regarding ASEA-UNINET Mrs. Unger provided information about the ASEA-UNINET project funding (joint bilateral research projects / teaching cooperations between Thai and Austrian member universities) and grants, namely the Grants for Postdoc Staff Exchange and the Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET. These funding opportunities were in high demand.
* EURAXESS (www.euraxess.at) is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other. Packed with information, EURAXESS covers mobility issues for researchers and entrepreneurs, allows universities and businesses to find the right talent, and connects people, projects and funding. All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge.

EURAXESS 2018 (Credits: OeAD / Maria Unger)

EURAXESS 2018 (Credits: OeAD / Maria Unger)

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