ASEA-UNINET Experts Participating in the ASEM Education Action Plan 2030

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) was established in 1996 and aims at fostering dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe. Currently, ASEAM has 53 partners: 30 countries in Europe and 21 in Asia, the European Union and the ASEAN Secretariat. ASEM addresses political, economic, social, cultural, and educational issues of common interest, in a spirit of mutual respect and equal partnership (source).

Please see here for further information on ASEM.

ASEM Education 2030 Strategy

Currently ASEM Partners and Stakeholders are developing an ASEM Education 2030 Strategy to be endorsed by the Education Ministers during the 8th ASEM Education Ministers‘ Meeting in Thailand in 2021. Along with this strategy they will also present an Action Plan 2030 including concrete actions to implement the Strategy 2030.
For this purpose, ASEM Education Secretariat is hosting 4 online workshops for all ASEM Partners and Stakeholders to discuss and shape the actions for the Action Plan (source).

ASEA-UNINET was invited to participate in the workshops and experts from our network will contribute to the process with reports and best practice inputs.

For further information on the online workshops please see here.