16-18 Febr. 2018 // 2nd International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies – Call for Papers

Call for Papers
2nd International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies

16-18 February 2018
Mandalay, Myanmar

Greetings from University of Mandalay! „Now we are accepting over 200 papers from web link. Application death line is end of November 2017“ 

Host Organizations

University of Mandalay, co-hosted by Chiang Mai University

The rapid changes that have taken place in Myanmar during the last decade have brought about new hope, opportunities and challenges. Since the 2010 elections, Myanmar has opened its frontiers and broadened its international engagement in diplomacy, trade and education. New political, social, and cultural spaces permit new forms of social interaction and renegotiation. New civil society organizations are flourishing. The economy, newly liberalized by the government in 2011, has ushered in a host of challenges for Myanmar. While economic development has generated employment and income, it has also impacted the environment and is generating multiple transformations of the country.

Agricultural transformation is changing rural landscapes and farmer livelihoods through cash crops, usage of chemicals and fertilizers, and through new forms of production relations. Yet, underdeveloped infrastructure is inhibiting adaptation to climate change, to food crises, to natural disasters, and to the spread of infectious disease. Rapid urbanization, inequality of income distribution, and pressure on land and resources—caused by agro-industrial land concessions and resource extraction—has exerted severe pressure. Cultural changes are clear as Myanmar society modernizes and connects to the global economy.

This conference is interdisciplinary, with a focus on the pressing issues facing the country. The 2nd ICBMS conference committee invites panel proposals as well as individual abstracts from interested academics, researchers, graduate students, professionals as well as practitioners with an interest in Burma/Myanmar. Panel proposals and individual abstracts can address the overall themes of transformations in any of the following topic areas:

  1. Development & Transitions in Myanmar
  2. Agro-based Economy
  3. Bio-diversity/Environment and Climate Change
  4. Rural Transformation/Rural Development/Poverty Alleviation
  5. Cultural Heritage and Tourism
  6. Media, Popular Culture and Communication
  7. Governance, Social Security and Peace Process
  8. Health Care
  9. Population Change, Migration & Displacement
  10. Urbanization/Rural-urban Relations
  11. Food Security and Food Practice
  12. Education and Development
  13. Literature, Language and Society
  14. History and Social Memory
  15. Ethnicity and Gender Relations
  16. Religion and Belief Systems
  17. Resource Management
Abstract Submission Details

Individual abstracts and panel proposals should be submitted in English. Individual abstracts should not exceed 300 words, and panel proposal descriptions not more than 500 words. Panel descriptions should contain abstracts of 300 words for each presenter. A brief biography about 150-250 words for the author should also be included. Suggestions for round table discussion will also be considered.

Abstracts and proposals can be submitted via the forms linked below:
Individual abstract submission form
Panel proposal submission form

Deadline for submissions is 30th November 2017.

Submission forms can also be requested from the secretariat and will be sent via e-mail.

Paper submission

The paper in English should be 3,000 – 4,000 words. For papers in Burmese, we expect around 10 pages with Win Innwa font, sized 16, 1.5 spacing.

Submission can be sent to via e-mail.

Important Dates
  • Submission of abstracts: 15th November 2017
  • Notification of the result of abstract selection: 30th November 2017
  • End of registration: 10th December 2017
  • Submission of papers: 15th January 2018

For further information please visit:
